Did you know your business card can become one of the most cost-effective and compelling forms of advertising you’ll ever use?
But there’s a catch.
It only works that way when you design it effectively. And that doesn’t mean getting the picture, the colors or the logo just right.
Put these 3 tips into practice right away to get more bang from your business-card buck:
Tip 1: Feature Your Sound Bite
You may feel great about that list of modalities you have on the front of your card. And you should be. It represents a great deal of time, talent and effort on your part.
But here’s the brutal truth: That laundry list means nothing to most of your prospects until they understand what you can do for them.
That’s why it’s critical to give your work context by featuring your CranioSacral Sound Bite: Who you help, what she’s struggling with and what she gets out of working with you.
Here are a few samples of Sound Bites other therapists just like you have already developed:
• Transform the Mid-Life Body Breakdown Into an Age of Strength, Vitality and Well-Being
• Serving Midlife Moms Who Want to Release Pain and Fatigue and Return to Their Passions With Ease
• Helping Moms and Their Babies Release the Stress of Birth for a Beautiful New Beginning
Highlighting your Sound Bite gives your potential client a practical understanding of what you do.
And that’s attractive, because here’s another secret: When your prospect wants the transformation you offer, she won’t even care about which therapy you use.
Tip 2: Include Pain Points, Benefits and Results
Don’t commit the cardinal sin of ignoring the back of your card. This is prime real estate when it comes to connecting with and attracting your ideal clients.
Use that space wisely by featuring 3 of the top pain points your ideal clients are complaining about. And include the top 3 benefits and results they get out of working with you.
The more your potential client can see herself in your message, the more likely she is to take the next step in your relationship.
And that happens when you….
Tip 3: Spell Out the Next Step
On the back of the card at the bottom, invite your reader to visit your website to learn more about what you can do for her.
Yes, you should also have your web address on the front. But the more you spell out the next step for your reader, the better your response will be.
Remember, a well-designed business card can be a powerful tool in your CranioSacral communications protocol. Use it wisely and you’ll lead more visitors to your website ~ and to your treatment table.
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